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Why ATIXA is Essential for the 2024 Title IX Regulations Implementation

Insights from ATIXA’s Advisory Board Member Amy Zavadil, Ph.D.

The new Title IX Regulations are here, and you need the right guidance and resources to understand the compliance requirements before the August 1, 2024 implementation deadline.

From the early days of the 2011 Dear Colleague Letter—which was quickly followed by a number of guidance documents and White House initiatives—to more recent shifts, ATIXA has been there supporting practitioners. The organization has grown into much more than a resource; it has become a community, setting excellence standards, and professionalizing Title IX roles.

Amid political changes, ATIXA played a crucial role in guiding institutions through compliance and advocacy complexities. From 2011 to 2015, there was a surge in activism, outreach education, and prevention, driven by the 2013 VAWA amendments that required higher education to implement prevention programming and response procedures. The VAWA Reauthorization Act of 2022 codified into the Clery Act the rights and expectations for campus response to sexual violence. Throughout, I’ve witnessed ATIXA’s commitment to elevating Title IX standards.

I joined ATIXA as a member in 2012/2013 and an Advisory Board member in 2014. I’ve taken at least a dozen courses and co-facilitated others, including ATIXA’s Title IX Coordinator trainings and cultural competency in Title IX. Whether it’s foundational training or expanding seasoned professionals’ knowledge base, ATIXA faculty members help professionals navigate the complexities of compliance.

Here, I share why ATIXA stands unparalleled and why you should consider becoming a member or upgrading your membership with the new Title IX Regulations.

Professionalizing the Field of Title IX Compliance

My introduction to ATIXA was at its very beginning, coinciding with critical moments in Title IX history—from the Dear Colleague letter to subsequent regulatory changes. Over the past decade, what became evident to me was the way ATIXA actively worked to professionalize the field of Title IX compliance. Ensuring rights under Title IX went from simply an “additional duty” to a specialized profession imbued with best practices and a comprehensive understanding of legal, educational, and ethical responsibilities. ATIXA has been at the forefront, guiding practitioners through the shifts in legal climates, from the advocacy of 2012 to the regulatory reconsiderations of 2024.

A Holistic Approach to Regulatory Transitions

As an adjunct instructor and independent consultant, I leverage the collective expertise of ATIXA’s faculty and Advisory Board members to enhance the quality of my teaching and consulting services. I teach an assessment course covering a broad range of topics, including risk evaluations, the entire spectrum of sexual violence, considerations for safety planning, and supportive counseling measures. ATIXA’s educational approach is holistic, offering a guide to implementing civil rights and Title IX in a manner that is both thorough and impactful. It’s not a one-size-fits-all approach; instead, ATIXA equips practitioners to think strategically so they can better articulate the value and risks of Title IX-related decisions to various stakeholders, like the Office of the General Counsel, the Ombuds, Student Affairs, and counseling support advocates.

Supporting You for the 2024 Regulations and Beyond

ATIXA has not merely responded to changes in regulations; it has actively anticipated and prepared the field. It has guided us through understanding not just the letter of the law in the regulations but also the spirit of the policies, procedures, and practical applications. The organization’s training, webinars, and listserv discussions aim to enhance work quality and define best practices.

As we begin implementing the 2024 Title IX Regulations, the value of ATIXA cannot be overstated. ATIXA plays a crucial role in mobilizing professionals. Looking forward, I hope we continue to refine our approach to creating a positive campus culture, both from a policy and a practical standpoint. The necessary knowledge exists within our community. The challenge lies in finding innovative ways to facilitate these critical conversations or developing additional tools to support these efforts more effectively.

You don’t have to face the 2024 Regulations alone; join us at ATIXA. If you’re ready to gain unparalleled support and resources, become a member or upgrade today.

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