We are pleased to announce a new way to submit anonymous messages to the Listserv. This process is now more user-friendly and provides an immediate way to submit your message to the Gaggle Listserv.
To submit anonymous messages to the Listserv, please go to your My ATIXA page and scroll down to the ‘ATIXA Listserv’ section. Once there, add your message type and topic, email subject line and email body, and press send. Please note that information will need to be de-identified, with a checkbox to confirm it is ready for distribution. It is as simple as that!

As a reminder, please click here to view the Gaggle Listserv Etiquette and Guidelines and click here to view the Gaggle FAQs and Account Set-up Guide.
We are excited about this new feature to better serve our members! If you have opted out of the Listserv and would like to be re-added, email members@atixa.org.