Why did you become a member of ATIXA and why have you remained a member to this day?
Keeping up with all the requirements and changes at the federal level with regards to Title IX as well as best practices.
What is a challenge you face doing Title IX work?
Lack of staffing with the changes (DeVos), and overall funding for continuous training of all those involved. We are a community college in which budges are seriously challenged, especially with a decrease in enrollment due to the pandemic.
What is a successful achievement you have had doing Title IX work?
Creating a climate where students feel safe, heard, and supported. It included buy-in from the campus community, including the faculty.
What is an ATIXA resource or tool that has aided you?
During the past ten years, it has been the training, scripts, model policies, and sample letters to add to our student system.
What is the value of ATIXA membership for you?
The quick access to information and the interpretation of changing guidance and regulations.
How has ATIXA helped you to be a better professional?
The training is geared toward different levels of responsibilities and experience. I have been always able to access the information that I need.
What is one way you practice self-care doing such intense work?
I used to travel a lot, especially cruising. This always gave me something to look forward to, but now it is just time outside and a good Netflix series to binge-watch. Much cheaper too.
What is one piece of advice you would offer your fellow practitioners?
Surround yourself with a good team and work to get others to understand and buy into why this work is so important. It may be a lot of work and sometimes feel insurmountable, but it is worth it in the long run.
Visit this link to learn more about the benefits associated with an ATIXA membership.